Contact Katherine by filling out the speaker form – and get ready for one of the most enlightening and engaging speakers available today.
Some of the topics Katherine covers include:
- Spells are cast in our families of origin and we aren’t even aware we are under them, yet they have a long reach and impact all our choices & decisions long after childhood. In Katherine’s insightful keynote there are aha’s, after aha’s that transform behaviors and unlock possibilities for happier, healthier and more effective corporate and family cultures.
- Managing our minds is a full time job for some of us. What does it take to “get bigger than what’s bugging us”? To live in the present moment truly is the key to life, success, and happiness. Katherine takes the audience to their edge and they walk away with the tools for self in presence.
- The great resignation that is all the buzz, the lines are so blurred between home and work life that we can’t expect to succeed at retention without addressing it! With her big laugh Katherine weaves us from the inside out to see how our inner child, our own children, our parents and our corporate families are all connected.