Media Contributor, Podcaster & Speaker

TEDx Speaker

The Rebellion is Here

Katherine Winter-Sellery discusses some of the secrets behind effective parenting through inspiring personal and worldly stories from the past.

Surviving & Transcending Unconscious Parenting

The conscious parenting revolution begins when we set our children free to consider the needs of others while still honoring themselves.

From Overriding My Inner Knowing to Trusting myself

Katherine Winter-Sellery is a communication and conflict resolution expert.

Katherine is available to speak at your next event, educational conference, or podcast.

Contact Katherine by filling out the speaker form – and get ready for one of the most enlightening and engaging speakers available today.

Some of the topics Katherine covers include:

  • 3 Mistakes Every Parent Makes 
  • Applying Solutions | 90-Day Parenting Reset 
  • Is Video Gaming Taking Over Your Child’s Life?



Speaking Engagement